Using specialised massage techniques tailored to suit your needs and concentrate on specific areas of concern. Swedish massage works to release areas of muscular tension and common discomforts to increase blood supply and circulation to the tissues. Your therapist will select an aromatic Elemis nourishing body oil according to your concerns, be they muscle pain, stress relief, relaxation or balance. The mind and body are left energised and in a state of harmonious relaxation.
- Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage – 30 mins
- Back Neck & Shoulder Massage including Head & Scalp – 45 Mins
- Full Body Massage – 60 Mins
- Full Body Massage including Head & Scalp – 1hr/15 Mins
- Head & scalp Massage – 25 Mins
Choose from Elemis’s opulent range of richly nourishing body oils to suit your skin, your mood and your needs.